Hey Hey Now Miss Rae Rae

Maddie has grown So Much! I look back on her pictures and think, "Where did my Baby go? And who's this Girly that has taken her place?" I Guess that's what kids do though, they grow...
Madd has learned so many things as well like, well, like this:

That's our lovie : D Miss Maddie

She can ride her trike (with tippy toes but not peddals yet), say bubbles (bu-bball), dadda, pippy(more like PiiiiiPiiiiieeeeeEEE!!!!!), momma (she calls grandma mamma too), papa, ball, uh-oh, makes elephant noises (blow air through her lips), doggy noises, monkey noises, raspberry, hippo noises (almsot same as elephant, haha), she says mmmmMMMMMM! when she wants to eat something (especially when she sees dove chocolates sitting on the table/counter), takes apart and puts together her Mr. Potato Head, talks to her stuffed animals in the crib (really cute), kicks the ball back to you, goes up and the down stairs (for months now, she just slides down with her belly. Recently, flopping down like a little froggy), drinks out of a cup on her own,

oh! and she has 6 teefs (almost 2 molars with that too)! So, hopefully no more choking : ) happy day for momma and grandma...She likes to pull her hair and hit her head with her hands and on the floor/wall/crib (we try not to react but I don't know why she's so frustrated). She can give kisses (she doesnt pucker her lips yet but she does make a "mmmm,aah" sound when she puts them against your cheek)

I'm not sure what to do or what she even needs for Christmas. We will be in the Salt Lake/Park City Area over the holidays and hopefully Maddie won't get too crabby for the messed up time schedule and new places (she usually loves a new change of scenery). She'll have fun : ) Then we can all have fun