Maddie Walks!

Maddie Walks!!!

For the 1st time (well the REAL first time was a couple minutes before the above pic, but, we didn't have a camera right then so, bare with me) @ 10:20 P.M. (yes, it was very late @ night) January the 28th!!!
She was 6 days over her 16 month mark (22nd of Jan.). And a bit at the end of her groups milestone for walking but, like Adrian's dad told her, "You ain't got much of a body, so, you better start developin' your brain." oh my Maddie. Which the brain part is very much true for my Honey Bun. She excels in all areas that have to do with her mental stamina, especially spacial, social, and in the arts... She loves to figure out how to take things apart and put them back together (just ask Mr. Potato Head, Grandmas makeup case, and organizing her hair styling tray among many other things). She also LOVES loves people, anytime we are out and about, Maddie turns around in all directions to catch a glance, and flash a smile. Everyone just loves her, Maddie already knows how to light up a room and make heads turn towards the princess bee. At last, most of all, she loves the arts! Coloring, Joking (she already teases us and Pippy, as well as laughs at funny moments in life, books, or movies), Nature, but, most out of the most, She loves Singing and loves TO Sing. Mommas so proud, and even more proun, Grandma Bowler. Even when she was just several months old we could see she had already developed a love of music. Whenever we watched opera or American Idol, Maddie would stop whatever she was doing, and stare off into space, or where the music was coming from, listening and indulging ever last piece until it was done. After awhile she would even raise up her arms and swoosh them down or clap above her head. Nowadays she sings along! We were listening to either Mario Lanza, or a lady soprano, anyway, sometime in early January. All of the sudden Maddie rounded out her lips, and articulated the vowels out of her mouth to create beauty (to a Mommas ear maybe haha). She even raises up her arms and sweeps across with her hands as she sings, mimicing the opera singers to a "T" I would say. Amazing. She's really too smart for her own good. If only her Great Grandma Poulsen were here to witness this. I bet she wouldve been pleased to see how far her influence and love of music came down through into the expanding generations.

Baby Doll

Maddie luvs Her Bebes. She rockabyes them, covers them with blankies (or any random object, such as toys or laundry), feeds them from anything that resembles a bottle. And anytime she sees one of her babies from across the way with a peaking glance, she'll say, "Baybee!" then crawl frantically shouting, "Baybee, baybee.....baybee!" Then, when reunited, snuggles her face into her babydoll and then holds the baby to her chest and rocks them, pretty vigourously I must say, hahaha, it gives Her Momma and Grandma quite a chuckle. What a good Momma already. Wait, does that make me a granny? Niceness. I'd like my glass of warm milk and my Perry Mason turned on now, thank you!

She hasn't really quite mastered the fine art of parenthood, she's pretty good for a 16 month old. She likes to situate her babies all nicely together (she never situates or feeds her dolls or her stuffed animals, only her baby dolls mind you) with blankets and bottles and such, all the comforts you can imagine a good mommy can provide. Then after they sit there for a bit, and Maddies satisfied for a time...She grabs everything and throws it down, flinging things here and there, then resituates again...could you be suffering from post-pardum my Maddie-Cakes?? Never! You just have enough when it's enough, hahaha, you learn from the best my luv