Hey Hey Now Miss Rae Rae

Maddie has grown So Much! I look back on her pictures and think, "Where did my Baby go? And who's this Girly that has taken her place?" I Guess that's what kids do though, they grow...
Madd has learned so many things as well like, well, like this:

That's our lovie : D Miss Maddie

She can ride her trike (with tippy toes but not peddals yet), say bubbles (bu-bball), dadda, pippy(more like PiiiiiPiiiiieeeeeEEE!!!!!), momma (she calls grandma mamma too), papa, ball, uh-oh, makes elephant noises (blow air through her lips), doggy noises, monkey noises, raspberry, hippo noises (almsot same as elephant, haha), she says mmmmMMMMMM! when she wants to eat something (especially when she sees dove chocolates sitting on the table/counter), takes apart and puts together her Mr. Potato Head, talks to her stuffed animals in the crib (really cute), kicks the ball back to you, goes up and the down stairs (for months now, she just slides down with her belly. Recently, flopping down like a little froggy), drinks out of a cup on her own,

oh! and she has 6 teefs (almost 2 molars with that too)! So, hopefully no more choking : ) happy day for momma and grandma...She likes to pull her hair and hit her head with her hands and on the floor/wall/crib (we try not to react but I don't know why she's so frustrated). She can give kisses (she doesnt pucker her lips yet but she does make a "mmmm,aah" sound when she puts them against your cheek)

I'm not sure what to do or what she even needs for Christmas. We will be in the Salt Lake/Park City Area over the holidays and hopefully Maddie won't get too crabby for the messed up time schedule and new places (she usually loves a new change of scenery). She'll have fun : ) Then we can all have fun

Maddie's New Delicacy

Madd, has found a newly aquired taste...some of the thai can agree with her on this... she seems to find the creamy filled goo of various bugs delectable. I don't support this habit but i guess everyone has there free agency. I tried to make the playing field of this right a little narrowed. I spent 3 hours vaccuming every crevice and cranny, floors, bookcases, vents, Pippy, etc. I just hope this is a phase and will be summed up somewhere before her first school lunches. Quoting Dad, "She's going to be the Kid that lets the dog share her icecream." Small glimpses into the future haunt my psychy...lets hope its a phase.

Her 2 Front Teeth!!!

Maddie, I regret to inform for my sake and for the sake of others, has grown 2 teeth! She's happy though, except for the teething, she has two very lethal weapons now which she can use to her advantage...Theyre both on the bottom and they are sharp! (You can only guess how I know this, my shoulder and my finger could tell you with one look at them, she also has bitten grandma, toes, pippy, among other things)...she loves to bite her daddys buttons on his dress shirts, his neck, chest, head, anything really. She'll bend back looking all the way behind her then, with full force, lunge forward and plunge her teeth into something soft and juicy to make 'em stick! You little vamp.

She has a knack to bend down, grab your leg with both hands, like she was about to eat some corn-on-the-cob, pinch the cloth of your pants in between her teeth and gums then pull up with a snap and a scheming smile....whatch out now! shes a biter! and she crawls now too! So she's like a spiked tank barreling down to getcha! All I got to say is whatch out Auntie Pippy!

It's all going to be liberating though....besides all of the screaming (teething), horror(drooling), blood(pippys tail, ears, etc.), and pain(lets just say momma) that will take place following these new wonders sprouting up....She will come, someday, to eat her own, on her own, by her own hands, with her own teeth! And I can be free! free at last! And I don't care who's toes it willl be to have to pay the price! I'll be FREE! NO MORE NURSING BRAS! No more EMBARASSMENT when out and about, trying to find a corner to hide in so as to feed my little milking vamp! NO MORE! No more leaking, no more, engorgement, no more maddie pinching me or biting me while feeding! NO MORE! Maybe I'll be able to feel like a Woman again instead of a Trough/Punching Bag...

4th of July! Oh Ya Oh Ya!

These pictures represent a mixture of July 4th and 6th....the pictures directly below represent July 4th and the one to the right was after we had cake and sang Happy Birthday to Jordanna Danna...On July 4th Madd, Mom & Dad, Me enjoyed the quaintness of a town called Plymouth, MI and strolled along to enjoy the scenery of the park and some of it's history in the buildings and pleasantness of the landscaping...then we went and piggy-pigged- out at Famous Dave's to get our grilled meats in for the 4th...perfect choice, YUM! At around 10 o'clock we decided to pick a place among the many in the region to see fireworks....the fireworks we chose were to start at 10:15. So, we raced down the road to where we were headed, (which was about 15 min away) but, about 5 min down we came to you could say a slew of traffic (the streets are usually dead about those parts, its in the boonies) and about a thousand other people just as big as procrastinaters as we were...or know. hahaha. at about 10:15 we were still backed up in traffic, blocked intersections, people racing around...coppers directing. But no fireworks YET. those came at about 10:30 and guess where we were? ya, in the car with a bunch of other cars watching the show blast and blare through the night sky out of there car side windows... the next pull off (which was a dirt road) Dad raced down, out of the traffic, to see if there was a spot for the pickins'. And yes there was! We got a front row ticket to the Firework Show...Nobody was was completely dark...and the fireworks were so close and loud that I though Madd would start crying. We had a blast. It was wonderful! Yay Dad! He's crazy but he's good : D


Madd Maddie Mimm

Now, where do I start with a girl like Maddie (Mad-Madigan) there's sooo much and I've gotten so far behind and time's caught up with her already...She's sweet, she's daring, she hates to go to bed, she's an outdoors-country gal, loves opera or any kind of singing for that matter (even if it's bad singing: i.e. momma), loves Disney, any animal, and wildflowers. She has all the capabilities of a little girl toddler, but has, at times, had a twinking of that devilish look in her eye, "Let's go make some fun!". I've never known Madd to be afraid of anything. And she's a teaser, "Let's see, what else can I do to make Grandma scream, and come sailing over the lawn or through the house like a banshee just to save me from a fate worse than death (eating a daisy, or riding on the tractor with mama.) She's Maddie. Which = Adored.

She's 9 1/2 months old and not quite "all girl" which I'm glad. Well-rounded and everyone loves her. Ready to flash a smile at anything that blows by. Shakes her hips and dances while holding on the crib railing, table, whateva. Likes to eat grass and torment Aunt Pippy with a "nice-to-doggy" pet (or hair plucking and skin pinch for that matter). She's never needed a bottle, blankie, or nuk nuk, just her own two feet to grab, which I might add she uses as great tools to inspect everything. Anything she handles with her hands must go through the mouth and feet inspection also, ha! hmmm? Could be a problem later on when she starts dating....And there's more, Much more! But, how long would it take you to describe a sunset to one who's never seen one before?

♥Sweet Little Sprig♥

Sweet Little Sprig
Across the valley, sits a rolling hill nook
Fit snug between a great mountains foot
Babbling down through is a quick hopping spring
Nearby, a beehive, hear its working song's zing!
Where is perched this honeyed beehive?
It's on a gnarled old tree...
With a new sprouting sprig, and we call her Maddie
Now I've been a branch on this gnarled limb stump
Then I couldn't believe, a soft little bump
Aged by and by with the winds, rains, and each passing season
I was falling in love and didn't quite know the reason
And suddenly, of my Sweet, I proudly had my pride
When on the first day of autumn, She popped out of my side!
Now my soft leaves wrap 'round Her, so the chill night won't nip
Cradled by the bough, so safe and sound is its grip
How the humored spring laughs for Her, bubbling down its rocky way
Busy bees buzz all 'round, sweet as she is my Madison Rae
So, if a true love is truly beautiful
Nothing could ever be as beautiful as my beauteous Madison Rae
All things that know and that are just love to love Her
Begin to end of all of each day
♥ ♥