Madd Maddie Mimm

Now, where do I start with a girl like Maddie (Mad-Madigan) there's sooo much and I've gotten so far behind and time's caught up with her already...She's sweet, she's daring, she hates to go to bed, she's an outdoors-country gal, loves opera or any kind of singing for that matter (even if it's bad singing: i.e. momma), loves Disney, any animal, and wildflowers. She has all the capabilities of a little girl toddler, but has, at times, had a twinking of that devilish look in her eye, "Let's go make some fun!". I've never known Madd to be afraid of anything. And she's a teaser, "Let's see, what else can I do to make Grandma scream, and come sailing over the lawn or through the house like a banshee just to save me from a fate worse than death (eating a daisy, or riding on the tractor with mama.) She's Maddie. Which = Adored.

She's 9 1/2 months old and not quite "all girl" which I'm glad. Well-rounded and everyone loves her. Ready to flash a smile at anything that blows by. Shakes her hips and dances while holding on the crib railing, table, whateva. Likes to eat grass and torment Aunt Pippy with a "nice-to-doggy" pet (or hair plucking and skin pinch for that matter). She's never needed a bottle, blankie, or nuk nuk, just her own two feet to grab, which I might add she uses as great tools to inspect everything. Anything she handles with her hands must go through the mouth and feet inspection also, ha! hmmm? Could be a problem later on when she starts dating....And there's more, Much more! But, how long would it take you to describe a sunset to one who's never seen one before?


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