Maddie, I regret to inform for my sake and for the sake of others, has grown 2 teeth! She
She has a knack to bend down, grab your leg with both hands, like she was about to eat some corn-on-the-cob, pinch the cloth of your pants in between her teeth and gums then pull up with a snap and a scheming smile....whatch out now! shes a biter! and she crawls now too! So she's like a spiked tank barreling down to getcha! All I got to say is whatch out Auntie Pippy!
It's all going to be liberating though....besides all of the screaming (teething), horror(drooling), blood(pippys tail, ears, etc.), and pain(lets just say momma) that will take place following these new wonders sprouting up....She will come, someday, to eat her own, on her own, by her own hands, with her own teeth! And I can be free! free at last! And I don't care who's toes it willl be to have to pay the price! I'll be FREE! NO MORE NURSING BRAS! No more EMBARASSMENT when out and about, trying to find a corner to hide in so as to feed my little milking vamp! NO MORE! No more leaking, no more, engorgement, no more maddie pinching me or biting me while feeding! NO MORE! Maybe I'll be able to feel like a Woman again instead of a Trough/Punching Bag...